
Our Vision

Achieving a life of dignity for people with disability and empowering them for inclusive and effective participation in society.

Our Mission

Organizing efforts and building a fully comprehensive institutional ecosystem; to eliminate barriers for people with disabilities and empower their inclusion in society without discrimination.

Our Values





Education and Innovation

Strategic Goals and Indicators


Empowering People with Disabilities and Enhancing Their Effective and Inclusive Participation in Society

Providing all capabilities necessary for people with disabilities to become an active part of society in all aspects and stages of life as well as eliminating all barriers that hinder their comprehensive inclusion.

Developing the Legislative and Regulatory System for People with Disabilities to Achieve Integration of Consistency

Developing and approving legislative policies and regulations pertaining to the affairs of people with disabilities in a manner that ensures clarity of their rights and establishes the requirements for their full implementation.

Establishing and Building the Authority of People with Disability (APD) According to Best Practices to Ensure the Efficiency and Sustainability of Work

Developing and organizing all the organizational elements, policies, and internal procedures necessary for the work of the Authority of People with Disability (APD), in an institutional manner. Moreover, providing the APD’s services efficiently and effectively which ensures the sustainability of work.

Improving the Quality of Services Provided to People with Disabilities

The continuous improvement and development to provide all care services for people with disabilities with the highest quality, efficiency, and effectiveness, and in accordance with best practices, regardless of the type of disability they have and their geographical location.

Strategic Pillars

The strategic pillars of the plan of the Authority of People with Disability (APD) were identified and defined mainly based on the following:

The general objectives of the Authority of People with Disability, which are described in the “About APD” page. These objectives are considered the compass of this strategic plan, the results of the as-is analysis, the subsequent SWOT analysis, and the identification of the key strategic factors. Accordingly, four (4) strategic pillars have been identified and are described below. The next page will clarify the link between the strategic pillars and the key strategic factors that have been identified.

Development of the National Ecosystem and Coordination of Roles
Development of the Legislative and Organizational Structure

Enhancement and Integration of Services

Institutional Excellence of the APD

The Strategic Plan (2020 – 2023)
