About APD

A government agency aimed at empowering persons with disabilities, ensuring that they have their rights, enhancing their role in society. and working to develop services that the agencies provide to them



الهدف الأول

To guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities

الهدف الثاني

To enhance the services provided by various entities to persons with disabilities in order to help them receive care and qualification

الهدف الثالث

To enable persons with disabilities and allow them to be effective participators in society.

الهدف الرابع

To raise the level of their protection and take the necessary measures in coordination and cooperation with the relevant authorities, in addition to defining those entities’ roles in caring for persons with disabilities.


People with disabilities in the Kingdom are estimated to 7.1% from the total population. That is 1,445,723 million people out of 32.94 million.

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المصدر الهيئة العامة للإحصاء (نتائج مسح ذوي الإعاقة لعام 2017)

المجموع 1445723, الذكور 52.2% و الإناث 47.8%

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