Services for people with disabilities and their families

خدمة تقييم الإعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables people
with disabilities who are currently registered in the Ministry as beneficiaries
to request updates to their disability data, or it enables people with
disabilities who are not yet registered to request registration of their
disability data and registration in the Ministry as beneficiaries in order to
be able to benefit from the services provided to people with disabilities
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خدمة اصدار مشهد الإعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables people
with disabilities registered with the Ministry and have their disability
evaluated to apply and issue the certification online using their information
and registered disabilities electronically. The certification is documented and
approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development according to
the terms and regulations. This service also allows the beneficiary to print
the certification from the portal immediately or send it to their email in a
PDF form. The beneficiary can also request a disability certification through
the nearest support services unit for people with disabilities, if he so
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خدمة الشهادات الرقمية لاضطراب التوحد
This service offers the possibility of issuing
an autism disorder card to those who have autism disorder through the
electronic portal. The electronic cards enable people with autism disorder to
obtain priority in receiving services when visiting hospitals, health centers
and other facilities easily throughout the Kingdom. This service also makes it
easier for beneficiaries to issue the certification through the electronic
portal and print or send it to themselves via e-mail in the form of a PDF file.
Therefore, they do not need to visit the branch unless the beneficiaries wish
to receive a plastic card via the branch
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كتابات العدل المتنقلة
It is a free service provided by the Ministry of Justice to beneficiaries who are unable to appear at notarial offices, including persons with disabilities and holders of the "Awlawia" card issued by the Ministry of Health.
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خدمة صرف الأجهزة الطبية المعينة
It is an electronic service that enables persons
with disabilities who are registered in the Ministry and whose disability have
been evaluated to apply for medical equipment according to the conditions and
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خدمة تقييم الإعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables people
with disabilities who are currently registered in the Ministry as beneficiaries
to request updates to their disability data, or it enables people with
disabilities who are not yet registered to request registration of their
disability data and registration in the Ministry as beneficiaries in order to
be able to benefit from the services provided to people with disabilities
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خدمة الإعانة المالية للأشخاص ذوي الاعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables people
with disability who are currently registered as beneficiaries in the Ministry
and whose disability has been evaluated to apply for the “Financial Subsidy Service
for People with Disability” to get a monthly subsidy according to the terms and
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خدمة اشعارات أهلية القبول بمراكز الرعاية النهارية الاهلية
It is an electronic service that enables persons
with disabilities who are registered in the Ministry and whose disability has
been evaluated to apply for enrolment in a private day care center according to
the conditions and regulations
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خدمة اصدار مشهد الإعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables people
with disabilities registered with the Ministry and have their disability
evaluated to apply and issue the certification online using their information
and registered disabilities electronically. The certification is documented and
approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development according to
the terms and regulations. This service also allows the beneficiary to print
the certification from the portal immediately or send it to their email in a
PDF form. The beneficiary can also request a disability certification through
the nearest support services unit for people with disabilities, if he so
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خدمة الشهادات الرقمية لاضطراب التوحد
This service offers the possibility of issuing
an autism disorder card to those who have autism disorder through the
electronic portal. The electronic cards enable people with autism disorder to
obtain priority in receiving services when visiting hospitals, health centers
and other facilities easily throughout the Kingdom. This service also makes it
easier for beneficiaries to issue the certification through the electronic
portal and print or send it to themselves via e-mail in the form of a PDF file.
Therefore, they do not need to visit the branch unless the beneficiaries wish
to receive a plastic card via the branch
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خدمة اعفاء رسوم التأشيرات لذوي الاعاقة
It is an electronic service that enables persons
with disabilities who are registered in the Ministry and whose disability has
been evaluated to apply for a letter of support to exempt visa fees for persons
with disabilities according to the conditions and regulations
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خدمة طلب خطاب توصية للأيتام
It is an electronic service that enables orphans
registered in the Ministry's system to request a letter of recommendation to be
submitted to external actors electronically according to the terms and
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Treatment Abroad
هي خدمة يتمكن من خلالها المستفيد عن الاستعلام عن طلبات العلاج بالخارج
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حساب المواطن
This program was established to protect Saudi
families from the expected direct and indirect impact of various economic
reforms, which may cause an additional burden on some segments of society
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خدمة صرف الأجهزة الطبية المعينة
It is an electronic service that enables persons
with disabilities who are registered in the Ministry and whose disability have
been evaluated to apply for medical equipment according to the conditions and
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أكاديمية هدف للقيادة
This academy was established by HRDF (1440 H) to
prepare and develop future leaders in the private sector (both males and
females), and to ensure that they lead their organizations as per the Kingdom
Vision 2030 (distinguished qualitative localization of leaders who have creative
planning and innovation capabilities).
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برنامج دعم أجر أيام غسيل الكلى
This program aims to encourage the private and
non-profit sectors’ establishments to employ kidney failure patients and help
them stay employed so they can achieve job stability
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خدمة الشهادات الرقمية للتسهيلات المرورية
This service provides the possibility of issuing
a digital certification for traffic facilities for persons with disabilities
through the electronic portal, allowing them to easily use their designated
parking locations anywhere around Saudi Arabia. This service also makes it
easier for beneficiaries to issue the certification through the electronic portal
and print or send it to themselves via e-mail in the form of a PDF file. Therefore,
they do not need to visit the branch unless the beneficiaries wish to receive a
plastic card via the branch
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كتابات العدل المتنقلة
It is a free service provided by the Ministry of Justice to beneficiaries who are unable to appear at notarial offices, including persons with disabilities and holders of the "Awlawia" card issued by the Ministry of Health.
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الإسكان التنموي
In integration and partnership with civil associations and institutions in all cities and provinces of Saudi Arabia, providing housing units for deserving and in-need families in society who are under the care of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and are registered in the housing support portal.
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خدمة الاستعلام عن حالة الارسال لبيانات ذوي الإعاقة لبرنامج نطاقات
This service enables the beneficiary of people
with disabilities to inquire about the status of his/her data sent among the data
of people with disabilities who are included in the ‘Nitaqat’ Program
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It is an on-the-job training program for Saudi graduates
(both males and females) from local and foreign universities, institutes, and
colleges who hold technical, health, and administrative diplomas. The program
aims to train these graduates in government institutions and distinguished
companies in the private sector, enabling them to acquire the necessary
expertise and skills in order to prepare them for the labor market
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برنامج إعانة البحث عن عمل
This program supports job seekers during their
job search by offering a monthly assistance of SR 2,000 for 15 months. In
addition, the program provides a wide range of job placement and training
services that pave the way for them to join the job market
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This platform is a HRDF-sponsored e-training
initiative for Saudi nationals that seeks to develop their capabilities and
sharpen their skills, providing them access to appropriate job opportunities
that ensure sustainability in the workforce according to the requirements of
the Saudi labor market
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برنامج دعم قرة
This program is a HRDF-sponsored initiative for
Saudi nationals that aims to support and empower Saudi working women to join
the labor market and stay employed by covering part of the cost of the approved
and nearby hospitality centers that their children are enrolled in
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دعم الشهادات المهنية الإحترافية
This service is provided by HRDF to encourage
and motivate the national workforce, business organizations and job seekers to obtain
certified professional certificates to develop their skills and experiences in
the specialized fields required in the labor market
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العمل الحر
The "freelance certificate" is approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. It grants individuals registration in a number of activities and allows them to work independently in the activities approved by the Ministry through the official freelance portal.
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بوابة طاقات
The National Labor Gateway (TAQAT) is an electronic platform that provides individuals with a variety of work-related services, including a number of designated jobs and training programs, financial support programs, work-related consulting services, etc. It also provides many services for business sectors and service providers.
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لجنة أعمال ذوي الإعاقة
Finding job opportunities that promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society, raise awareness about the importance of including persons with disabilities in various aspects of life, and help persons with disabilities feel valuable and capable of integrating into society.
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خدمة الاستعلام عن الإعانة المالية (ذوي الإعاقة – كفالة أيتام)
This service allows the beneficiary from the people with disabilities or the families supporting the orphans to inquire about the status of the provided financial subsidy.
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تمويل كنف - مسار الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
This product is designed to serve specific groups of beneficiaries by offering them funding to help them pay the costs and bear the burdens of life
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تمويل الأسرة
Grants for low-income families to help them cope with the costs and burdens of life.
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Marriage Loan
يهدف لإعانة وتشجيع الشباب على الزواج الذين يقل دخلهم الشهري عن 12,500ريال.
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الشركة السعودية للنقل الجماعي (سابتكو)
توفر محطات سابتكو منافذ بيع خاصة لخدمة الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ليتم خدمتهم وانهاء اجراءاتهم في أسرع وقت
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الإدارة العامة للمرور
أصدرت الإدارة العامة للمرور غرامة مالية تتراوح من( 500 /900 ريال) لاستخدام مواقف سيارات الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من غيرهم.
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حقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في النقل الجوي
تلتزم هيئة الطيران المدني الناقل الجوي بتقديم خدمات للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال مراعاة اﺣﺘﻴﺎﺟﺎت اﻟﻌﻤﻼء ﻣﻦ ذوي الإعاقة بدون مقابل. وفي حالة الإخلال يعوض العميل بما يعادل (200%) من قيمة إجمالي تذكرة السفر، و أيضا في حال رفض الاركاب أو تخفيض الدرجة للعميل يلتزم الناقل الجوي تأمين أول رحلة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة مغادرة من المطار لجهة المقصد، أو يعوض العميل بما يعادل (200%) من قيمة إجمالي تذكرة السفر. كما تلتزم في المطارات بتوفير العلامات الإرشادية أثناء الصعود للطائرة والنزول منها، وتوفير الكراسي المتحركة، و شحن الأجهزة المساعدة الخاصة مجانا .
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قطار سار
يلتزم قطار سار بتقديم خدمات للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال تقديم المعلومات حول الرحلة بشكل مسموع ومرئي داخل المحطة والقطار، بالإضافة الى موائمة المرافق لهم من حيث سعتها وسهوله الوصول لها كما يمنح قطار سار للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ولمرافق واحد خصم يصل الى 50% على الدرجة الاقتصادية و33.33% لدرجة رجال الأعمال
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قطار الحرمين السريع
يقدم قطار الحرمين للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ولمرافق واحد خصم يصل إلى 50٪ على جميع رحلات قطار الحرمين ،مع ضرورة أن يحمل المُسافر بطاقة ( إركاب) وإبرازها عند الحجز والصعود على متن القطار
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حافلات الرياض
تقدم حافلات الرياض خصم يصل إلى 50٪ على جميع الأسعار عند الإصدار الأول لبطاقة درب الشخصية للأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة بالإضافة إلى مرافق واحد بشرط توفر الوثائق التالية:- الهوية الوطنية أو الإقامة وبطاقة "تسهيلات" لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة أو بطاقة "إركاب" أو "موقف"
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خدمات الركاب من الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في طيران ناس
يوفر طيران ناس مكاتب خاصه للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة لاستقبالهم وتقديم الخدمات الضرورية لهم وذلك في محطاتها الرئيسة (الرياض،جدة ، الدمام) كما يمكن الاحتفاظ (بالكراسي المتحركة اليدوية القابلة للطي أو العكازات) في مخزن الأمتعة داخل الطائرة دون أي تكلفة إضافية.
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خدمات الركاب من الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في طيران أديل
يقدم طيران أديل للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة كرسي متحرك ومرافق من مكاتب إنهاء إجراءات السفر للطائرة، ومن الطائرة إلى صالة الوصول بعد هبوط الطائرة، كما يتم شحن الكرسي المتحرك القابل للطي ضمن الامتعة المشحونة مجانا.
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خدمات الضيوف من الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
It is an integrated service that saves effort and time for persons with disabilities, by benefiting from the passenger fare discounts directly through the Saudi Airlines (SAUDIA) website, according to the terms and conditions.
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Guide to the Ministry of Health Services for People with Disabilities
It includes preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services, such as preventive genetic counseling, conducting various laboratory tests and analyses for early detection of diseases, and taking the necessary vaccinations.
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بطاقة أولوية
بطاقة أولويـــة هي بطاقة تمنحها وزارة الصحة لفئات مـحـددة مـن مراجعي المنشأة الصحية لتيسير حصول المستفيدين منها على الخدمات الصحية.
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تطبيق (صحتي)
It is a national online platform aims to provide all health services to individuals and serves as the health guide and reference for individuals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in integration with the health services and systems in the Ministry of Health, and the health system.
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المراكز الصحية المناوبة في المملكة
The On-Duty Healthcare Centers provide their services to emergencies for which patients are not required to go to the hospital. Their working hours start at 4:00 p.m.
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مجموعة اهتمام
The "We Are with You" initiative was launched by the Assistant Agency for Primary Healthcare to overcome the barriers between the doctor and patients with hearing disabilities (the deaf), particularly the language barrier, which prevents them from receiving high-quality healthcare services at MOH's facilities.
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الخريطة التعليمية لمدارس ومعاهد التربية الخاصة
خريطة توضح مواقع المراكز والمعاهد التي تقدم خدمات التربية الخاصة حول المملكة
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بوابة التعليم الوطنية - عين الإثرائية
هي بوابة تدعم التمكين الرقمي في التعليم وتجويد عمليات التعليم والتعلم. وتوفر خدمات تعليمية إلكترونية موثوقة يربط بين الطلاب والمعلمين والقادة التربويين والمشرفين وأولياء الأمور
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عين دروس
شبكة قنوات عين الفضائية التابعة لوزارة التعليم والتي تتيح للطالب التعلم من خلال الانترنت في جميع مناهج التعليم العام أو مناهج التربية الفكرية
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وكالة العمادة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
تعتبر الوكالة هي الأولى من نوعها بكافة جامعات المملكة. حيث تهدف إلى هو تعزيز المشاركة الكاملة والفاعلة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي من خلال توفير بيئة تراعي الفروق الفردية لجميع الأفراد
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برنامج الوصول الشامل في جامعة الملك سعود
برنامج أنشأته جامعة الملك سعود لتهيئة البيئة الداعمة لذوي الإعاقة لتذليل الصعوبات والعوائق المعمارية والتقنية لتمكين الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي
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حق الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي
مكنت وزارة التعليم الطلاب ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم العالي من فرص الالتحاق بالجامعات السعودية من حيث تقديم عدد من البرامج والتسهيلات التي تسهم في توفير فرص تعليمية للجميع
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تسجيل الطلاب - نظام نور
نظام الكتروني يحتوي على قاعدة بيانات متكاملة للطلاب في مؤسسات التعليم حول المملكة يهدف إلى ربط المؤسسات التعليمية وجمع بيانات الطلبة ونتائج تحصيلهم ومستواهم الدراسي في جميع المراحل الدراسية
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برنامج خادم الحرمين الشريفين للابتعاث
This program provides external scholarships for persons with disabilities, and the Ministry of Education follows them up through the cultural missions in the country of study.
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Local Scholarship to Students of Private Universities and Colleges
This program provides scholarships for people with disabilities in private universities and colleges, where tuition fees are covered by the Ministry of Education.
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منحة مجانية تقدمه وزارة التعليم للدراسة في مدرسة تربية خاصة أو برنامج تربية خاصة (أهلي) للفئة المستهدفة (مراحل تعليمية –ابتدائي ومتوسط وثانوي- ومرحلة رياض أطفال ) وفق اشتراطات ومعايير معينة
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التعليم العالي بجامعة الملك سعود
هو برنامج التعليم العالي للطلاب والطالبات الصم وضعاف السمع
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