World Multiple Sclerosis Day 2023
Multiple Sclerosis
2023-05-29 by
World Multiple Sclerosis Day 2023
Talal Alanazi

World MS Day


Dr. Abdullah Al-muqbil

Willingness is what motivates you to take the first step on the path to striving, whereas determination is what sustains you to the end of the journey. Dr. Abdullah Al-Muqbil recounts his inspiring journey from pain to hope.

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

MS is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the membrane that surrounds and protects the nerves. This can cause damage or corrosion to the membrane, which would negatively affect the commutation process between the brain and the rest of the body parts.

How can MS be diagnosed?

The exact cause of MS is still unknown.


What are the symptoms of MS?

·       Tremor

·       Double or loss of vision .

·       Weakness of limbs or difficulty walking

·       Numbness and tingling

·     Bladder and bowel problems

Misconceptions About MS

“MS is contagious.”
Multiple sclerosis is not contagious and cannot be transmitted through direct contact or shared housing.

“MS is a disease that only affects women.”
It is true that women are more likely to develop MS than males, but the disease can affect people of any gender or ethnicity.

“MS progression is always accompanied by wheelchair dependence.”
MS can affect mobility, but the vast majority of individuals with MS do not require the use of wheelchairs.

“Physical activity must be avoided for individuals with MS.”
Physical activity on a regular basis is beneficial for individuals with MS and can help control the symptoms as well as enhance their overall health.

“MS patients should not become pregnant.”
Individuals with MS can have children normally.

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